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Corporate and bankruptcy law 
Criminal tax law 
Environmental criminal law 
Criminal Law of Public Administration 
Banking and financial market criminal law 
Administrative liability of legal persons pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01 

Affirm Penalisti Associati takes over the legacy of the Law Firm Arata e Associati

founded by lawyer Francesco Arata

It operates in the field of corporate criminal law in its various facets, an area in which the firms professionals have accrued a high level of expertise. 

The partners have more than twenty years of experience, having participated in some of the most relevant proceedings in the industry. 

It provides judicial and extrajudicial assistance to individuals and entities throughout the country. 

It is also active in assisting international clients, and its firm’s professionals are members of international associations.  

The proceedings itself is a punishment that judges and lawyers must shorten by rendering justice. 

Piero Calamandrei 


Founding Partner

Carlo Tremolada

Graduated in Law from the “Università degli Studi di Milano” in July 1989. He qualified as a lawyer in January 1993, and since 2005 he has been authorised to practise before the Italian Supreme Court. He spent several years of his professional activity at the Law Firm of lawyer Francesco Arata, participating in the foundation of the “Studio Legale Arata & associati” in January 2012. He is a founding partner of the Law Firm Affirm Penalisti Associati based in Milan.
In the course of his professional activity, he has gained specialised expertise in the following areas of criminal law: corporate offences, bankruptcy offences, offences against the public administration, culpable offences related to violations of accident prevention regulations, financial and stock market offences, and protection of industrial property. He has participated in some of the most important criminal proceedings in Italy in the last two decades in the field of corporate crime.
He also advises entities and companies in these matters.
He is the President of the “Libera Associazione Forense”, an association established in 1997 and to which legal professionals from all over Italy belong. He still participates in the organisation of training events on topics related to corporate criminal law as part of the compulsory training programme for lawyers (National Bar Council’s Regulation of 13/10/2007).
In December 2011, he was appointed as a member for the three-year period 2012 - 2014 of the Supervisory Board pursuant to Art. 6 of Legislative Decree 231/2001 of a listed company operating in the renewable energy industry.
From January 2015 to December 2022, he was a member of the District Disciplinary Council for the district of the Court of Appeal of Milan (a Forensic Body with disciplinary functions in respect of lawyers registered with the Bar Associations established by Law 31/12/2012 no. 247 and appointed following voting pursuant to National Bar Council’s Regulation 31/1/2014 no. 1).
Since October 2020 he has been a member of “AIPPI – Associazione Internazionale per la Protezione della Proprietà Intellettuale – Gruppo italiano”.

Mother tongue: Italian
Foreign language: English

Founding Partner

Leonardo Cammarata

He graduated in Law from the “Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore” in Milan in 1993, qualified as a lawyer in 1997, and has been a lawyer before the Italian Supreme Court since 2011. After having carried out his professional activity at the law firm of lawyer Francesco Arata, he took part in the establishment of the “Studio Legale Arata e Associati” in 2012.
In the course of his professional activity, he has gained specialised expertise in corporate and bankruptcy offences, environmental offences, culpable offences related to violations of accident prevention regulations and the administrative liability stemming from offences of legal persons pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001;
He currently holds the position of Chairman of the Supervisory Body pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 of the companies Rexroth S.p.A. and Edim S.p.a. of the companies Contship Italia S.p.A. La Spezia Container Terminal S.p.A, Rail Hub Milano S.p.A. and the company Norgren S.r.l. in monocratic composition.

Mother tongue: Italian
Foreign language: English

Founding Partner

Claudio Schiaffino

He graduated in Law from the “Università degli Studi di Milano” in the year 2000 (grade 110/110), and qualified as a lawyer in the year 2003. He carried out his professional activity at the law firm of lawyer Francesco Arata, and he took part in the establishment of the “Studio Legale Arata e Associati” in 2012. He is a founding partner of the Law Firm Affirm Penalisti Associati based in Milan.
In the course of his professional activity, he has gained specific expertise in the following areas of criminal law: offences against the person and property, offences against the public administration, corporate offences, bankruptcy offences, tax offences, environmental and town planning offences, offences related to violations of accident prevention regulations and for the prevention of occupational diseases. He has participated in some of the most significant corporate crime proceedings in the last decade.
He provides consultancy services to companies and entities with particular reference to the subject of the “liability of legal persons for administrative illicit dependent on crime” (Legislative Decree 231/2001).
For several years, he has lectured on criminal law subjects in the annual preparation course for the bar exam organised by the “Libera Associazione Forense” (accredited pursuant to National Bar Council’s Regulation 13/10/2007), and has published articles on criminal law in the field of economics.
He is currently Scientific Director of the “Centro Studi Borgogna” and member of the Criminal Law Commission of the Milan Bar Association (Tax Offences Committee).
Mother tongue: Italian
Foreign language: English

Alex Ingrassia

He graduated in Law with honours from the “Università degli Studi di Milano” in 2008. After graduation, he collaborated with the chair of advanced criminal law (Prof. C.E. Paliero) and prison law (Prof. Mariella Tirelli).
In 2014, he obtained his PhD in Italian, international and comparative criminal law from the “Università degli Studi di Milano”. Since 2015, he has been an Adjunct Professor of Criminal Law at the “Scuola di Specializzazione per le Professioni Legali dell’Università Studi di Milano” and lecturer in Tax Law at the same University.
In 2020, he was awarded the national scientific qualification for teaching criminal law.
He is a lawyer registered with the Milan Bar Association and assists individuals and entities involved in corporate crime proceedings and, in particular, accused of tax, customs, bankruptcy and public administration offences.
He has been called upon as a speaker on corporate criminal law topics at conferences organised by universities, professional associations and trade associations.
He is the author of numerous publications and monographs in the field of corporate criminal law.